Из писем, пришедших в адрес М. В. Ильина от коллег по IPSA, после известия о пожаре:
Библиотека Центра перспективных методологий, включавшая около 2000 книг, полностью погибла в случившемся в ИНИОНе пожаре.
- «This is very sad news. IPSA and colleagues around the world should now organize a common effort to restore the lost volumes as much as possible by sending books and donations. I remember well how, on a much smaller scale, colleagues helped Kay Lawson in the early 1990s when her house in Berkeley was devastated by a large fire in the area». — Dirk Berg-Schlosser (Germany)
- «All my solidarity!» — Giliberto Capano (Italy)
- «I can well imagine how terribly you must feel. Having to cope with such a loss, I would be equally devastated. The only consolation is that no human lives were lost. But it remains a catastorphic event for you personally and for the social sciences». — Rainer Eisfeld (Germany)
- «I am so very sorry to learn of this tragedy. Let me know what I can do to help you replace your precious books». — Yvonne Galligan (UK)
- «What a catastrophic event! I am so sorry for you, your colleagues and Russian social sciences». — Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot (France)
- «Уму непостижимая трагедия, потеря мировой культуре, я только представляю Ваше личное горе». — Matonytė Irmina (Lithuania)
- «This is a real disaster. The problem is that many of the lost material cannot be replaced, because they are personal items or irreplaceable». — Dirk Kotze (South Africa)
- «Horrible news. Please tell if there is a way to help». — Kia Lindroos (Finland)
- I'm very sorry for you and your colleagues. Once you have a new place we should think on how to help you with the books, even only in electronic format. Let's know what we can do». — Leonardo Morlino (Italy)
- «I am terribly sorry, and would like to share Leonardo's offer. Please keep us informed». — Lourdes Sola (Brazil)
- «What a catastrophic new ! I'm very sorry for you and your colleagues. I would like to share Leonardo's help too. Please keep us informed». — Jose Llera Ramo (Basque Country)
- «It is really a catastrophe, and we all are reached by this terrible event. Have my solidarity. In the same line as Morlino's suggesstion, I have suggested the president of the Brazilian Political Science Association to held an international action of support to donate books for your library». — José Álvaro Moisés (Brazil)
Библиотека Центра перспективных методологий, включавшая около 2000 книг, полностью погибла в случившемся в ИНИОНе пожаре.
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